Muslim Islamic Prayer Beads for Men and Women at Grounded Revival

Handcrafted Muslim Prayer Beads

65 products
Welcome to Grounded Revival, your trusted source for handcrafted Islamic prayer beads. We take pride in offering a wide range of Tasbih necklaces and bracelets, designed with love and purpose to support your spiritual journey. Our collections of Islamic prayer beads are more than accessories; they are meaningful companions that assist you in remembering Allah (SWT). Let us introduce you to our exceptional offerings, where natural stones and timeless craftsmanship come together to enhance your spiritual practice . . . Read More


Shahada: The First Pillar of Islam

What is Shahada? The Shahada is the Islamic declaration of faith and the first pillar of Islam. It represents the core belief that defines a Muslim's faith.

What Are the Words of Shahada? The words of Shahada are: "Ashhadu an la ilaha illa Allah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadur rasul Allah." This translates to "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."

Embracing Islam: The Path to Becoming a Muslim

What It Means to Be Muslim? To be a Muslim means to submit to the will of Allah and follow the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It involves living a life of faith, prayer, and compassion, guided by the principles of the Quran and Hadith.

Navigating the Challenges of Being Muslim in North America

Being a Muslim in North America comes with unique challenges. From facing misconceptions about Islam to navigating cultural differences, Muslims often encounter obstacles in practicing their faith openly. These challenges can sometimes lead to feelings of isolation or misunderstanding.

The Inception of Grounded Revival: A Beacon of Support

Why Grounded Revival Came Into Existence? Grounded Revival was born out of a desire to provide a supportive community for Muslims facing these challenges. We recognized the need for meaningful tools to aid in spiritual practice, which led us to create our collection of Tasbih beads. Each piece is designed to serve as a reminder of one's faith and a means to connect deeply with Allah (SWT).

The Central Theme of Grounded Revival

At Grounded Revival, our mission revolves around mindfulness in faith. Our Muslim prayer beads, or Tasbih, are crafted to help you focus during your prayers and daily dhikr (remembrance of Allah). By incorporating natural stones and intricate designs, our Islamic prayer beads are not only functional but also beautiful pieces that reflect the spiritual journey of a Muslim.

Muslim Prayer Beads and Their Significance: Islamic prayer beads, also known as the Muslim rosary, hold significant meaning in Islamic tradition. They are used to count the recitations of Allah's names, praises, and supplications. This practice, known as Dhikr, helps keep the mind centered and the heart connected to the divine.

Islamic Prayer Beads Meaning: While some people may believe that prayer beads carry a deeper spiritual meaning, in reality, they are tools designed to assist in the practice of prayer and counting. Each bead on a Tasbih string serves to help maintain focus and consistency in prayer, embodying a Muslim's dedication to remembering Allah in all aspects of life.

Our Commitment to Quality and Craftsmanship

At Grounded Revival, we are committed to offering the highest quality Islamic prayer beads. Our collections feature a variety of natural stones, each chosen for its unique properties and aesthetic appeal. From the soothing hues of turquoise to the grounding energy of onyx, our beads are selected to enhance your spiritual experience.

Timeless Craftsmanship: Our Tasbih beads are handcrafted with meticulous attention to detail, ensuring that each piece is not only a tool for prayer but also a work of art. This dedication to craftsmanship ensures that our prayer beads will be cherished companions on your spiritual journey.

Explore Our Collection

We invite you to explore our extensive range of Tasbih necklaces and bracelets at Grounded Revival. Each piece is designed to support your practice of Dhikr and enhance your connection with Allah (SWT). Whether you are looking for a personal prayer tool or a meaningful gift for a loved one, our collections offer something for everyone.

In conclusion, Grounded Revival is more than a brand; it is a community dedicated to supporting Muslims in their spiritual journeys. Our handcrafted Islamic prayer beads are designed to enrich your practice of Dhikr and serve as a constant reminder of your faith. Join us in this journey of faith and mindfulness, and let our Tasbih beads be your companions in remembrance.